Category Archives: Baby Tips

Disposable Diapers or Cloth?

There is a quite fierce debate between parents – both long-term ones and new ones – over which type of diaper is better for babies. The two main types of diaper are disposable ones and cloth ones, and both types inevitably have their plus sides and their minus sides. In truth, neither kind is better…

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Listen to the pediatrician

Based on your baby’s health and size, the pediatrician at the hospital will generally be able to help you work out a feeding schedule for them. This is important, especially for first-time parents, as getting the hang of feeding at the right time and in the right way can be a hit and miss process,…

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As your baby grows…

Initially, your baby will want to feed between eight and twelve times a day. This is because it has a very small stomach and can only eat a small amount at a time and – as you will become aware very quickly – it will process the food very quickly into its diaper. As he…

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How often should you feed a baby?

With a newborn baby in the house, especially if it is your first, there is so much to learn that you simply cannot replicate with classes, books and additional parenting aids. Every baby that is born will have its own unique traits, and although you can learn a lot from other parents, from books, from…

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Why breast is best

In the early days with a new baby, a new mother will often feel a bit daunted by the idea of breast feeding, and may struggle with the decision over when to use the bottle and when to use the breast. As the saying goes, “breast is best”. This is true in that there are…

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